Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mejii Restoration of Japan

Commodore Perry first landed in Japan with the intention of "negotiating" with the Japanese to open up a treaty port in Japan for American sailors. In reality, he was trying to intimidate the Japanese into agreeing with his demands. Japan is an archipelago (a string of islands) on the east coast of Asia . The Americans wanted to use Japan as a place to reload on supplies for their ships. They tried to bully the Japanese into opening up a treaty port in Japan- and it worked. After seeing the ships and technology that the American fleet had, the Japanese had no other choice but to agree to their demands. However, the Japanese were able to learn from the other nations and was able to change from a third world nation to an imperialistic society in 1 generation. The feudalistic society that had governed Japan for centuries crumbled and was replaced by the Meiji era. The shoguns that held the power for so long relinquished their authority to the emperor. The samurai class could no longer carry their swords as well.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Karl Marx and Communism

Karl Marx was the man that founded communism. He saw the way that the factories during the Industrial Revoelution were run and decided that there had to be a change. In his eyes, the factory owners were extremely harsh and the workers needed to band together and make changes for the better. Marx envisioned a world that had a classless society. He believed that eventually, the workers would get tired of being treated unfairly and band together to overthrow the government and the capitalist society. He believed that people could only live in a society without different classes.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Karl Marx and the Industrial Revolution

Karl Marx was strongly against the changes caused by the Industrial Revolution. He felt that workers weren't being treated fairly. In his eyes, the factories were harsh and unsafe for the workers. Marx believed that the workers should unite and rebel against the factiry owners and the capitalistic society. He thought that this was the only way that the workers could get what they wanted. He used his beliefs and ideas to form Communism.